- Format
- Article
- Language
- Series
- Warsaw Egyptological Studies
- Year Published
- 1997
- Number of Pages
- 17
- Citation Text
- Brovarski, Edward. "A Triad for Pehenptah." Warsaw Egyptological Studies I. Essays in honour of Prof. Dr. Jadwiga Lipinska. Warsaw: National Museum "Pro-Egipt," 1997, pp. 261-273.
- Individual - Ancient
- Akhmerutnisut (G 2184)
- Amendjefaes (in G 4940)
- Khnumwerkau Iku (in Menkaure Valley Temple)
- Merptahankh-meryre Nekhebu (G 2381)
- Nedjemu (in G 2420)
- Pehenptah (G 5280)
- Penmeru (G 2197)
- Rawer [I] (G 5270)
- Senedjemib Mehi (G 2378)
- Seshemnefer [II] (G 5080)
- Seshemnefer [I] (G 4940)
- Individual - Modern
- George Andrew Reisner, American, 1867–1942
- Author
- Edward Brovarski
- Publisher
- National Museum, Warsaw
Fragment of black granite statue
- HUMFA_12-10-5
Fragment of limestone seated statue of Nekhebu
- HUMFA_12-11-58
Fragment of limestone seated statue of Nekhebu (?)
- HUMFA_12-12-9
Head from limestone statue of Nekhebu
- MFAB_13.3155
- HUMFA_12-12-16
Head of limestone statue of Nekhebu
- HUMFA_12-12-176a
Head of limestone statue of man
- HUMFA_12-10-6
Limestone pseudo-group statue of Penmeru
- MFAB_12.1484
Limestone seated statue of Akhmerutnisut
- MFAB_12.1482
Limestone standing statue of Nedjemu
- HUMFA_36-5-31
- MFAB_12.1504
Wood statue of Senedjemib Mehi (?)
- HUMFA_12-12-206
- HUMFA_12-12-207
Ancient People
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Owner of G 2184. Limestone seated statue (MFA 12.1482) inscribed for Akhmerutnisut, identified as [rx nswt smr jmj-r st n xntjw-S n pr-aA] royal acquaintance, companion, overseer of the department of palace attendants of the Great House; found in situ in G 2184 inner room of chapel. North and south false doors and architrave in west wall of interior chapel inscribed for Akhmerutnisut; in situ in G 2184 (interior chapel previously blocked by later phases of construction). False door in niche (blocking entrance to interior chapel) in west wall of inner room of chapel inscribed for Akhmerutnisut; found in situ in G 2184. Also appears on painted block (MFA 13.6040) from this false door; found displaced. South false door in west wall of outer room of chapel inscribed for Akhmerutnisut; west and south walls (MFA 13.4352) found in situ in G 2184. Architectural elements (drum lintel and jambs of entrance to inner room of chapel) inscribed for Akhmerutnisut, identified as [jmj-r st xntjw-S n pr-aA jmj-r Xrjw-a nswt n pr-aA wab nswt] overseer of the department of palace attendants of the Great House, overseer of the royal authorizations of the Great House, royal wab-priest; also appears in chapel relief (east door jamb of entrance to inner room of chapel, west wall of outer room of chapel, identifying inscriptions not preserved in all cases); west and south walls of outer room of chapel (MFA 13.4352) found in situ in G 2184. Fragments of displaced door frame (MFA 47.1886 + MFA 47.1887 + MFA 47.1888 + MFA 47.1889 + MFA 47.1890 + MFA 47.1891 + MFA 47.1892 + MFA 47.1893 + MFA 47.1894) inscribed for Akhmerutnisut, identified as [jmj-r st xntjw-S n pr-aA jmj-r Xrjw-a nswt n pr-aA] overseer of the department of palace attendants of the Great House, overseer of the royal authorizations of the Great House. Fragment of displaced lintel (MFA 47.1895) inscribed for Akhmerutnisut, identified as [jmj-r st xntjw-S n pr-aA jmj-r Xrjw-a nswt n pr-aA nb jmAx xr nb=f wab nswt rx nswt] overseer of the department of palace attendants of the Great House, overseer of royal authorizations of the Great House, possessor of reverence before his lord, royal wab-priest, royal acquaintance. Limestone offering basin (36-10-4) made from lintel inscribed for Akhmerutnisut, identified as [jmj-r st xntjw-S n pr-aA] overseer of the department of palace attendants of the Great House; found reused in G 2421 X. Roth (Mummies & Magic, p. 87) suggests: "If this lintel was not taken from the tomb of the elder [Akhmerutnisut] (there is no obvious place in that tomb to restore it), it may have been taken from a lost chapel built by his son."
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Wife ([Hmt=f] his wife) of Seshemnefer [I] (owner of G 4940). Appears in chapel relief (west and north walls), identified as [rxt nswt] royal acquaintance; in situ in G 4940. Mother of Pehenptah (owner of G 5280). Limestone standing pair statue (12-10-3 = KHM Vienna ÄS 7502) inscribed for Pehenptah and his mother Amendjefaes; found in G 5280 serdab. Shattered triad statue (12-10-4 = MFA 13.4330 triad + 12-10-4 = MFA 13.4358 fragment of female figure + 12-11-22 = MFA 13.3160 fragment of male figure proper right) of Pehenptah and his mother Amendjefaes; found in G 5280 serdab (some fragments from outside serdab).
Khnumwerkau Iku (in Menkaure Valley Temple)
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Limestone statue of squatting man (1908 no. 25 = published no. 43 = Cairo JE 41978) inscribed for Khnumwerkau, [rn=f nfr] his good name Iku, identified as [smr watj Xrj-Hb smsw Hrj-sStA n xtmt-nTr Spss nswt jmj-r st xntjw-S(?) pr-aA] sole companion, senior lector-priest, secretary of the god's treasure, noble of the king, overseer of the department of palace attendants(?) of the Great House; found in Menkaure valley temple (MVT / corridor III-4). Possibly same individual as Werkauba Iku (G 2383).
Merptahankh-meryre Nekhebu (G 2381)
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Owner of G 2381, buried in sloping-passage shaft G 2382 A. Son of Khnumenti (?) (owner of G 2374). Father of Merptahankh-meryre Ptahshepses Impy, Sabuptah Ibebi, and Tjemat; Nekhebu identified variously as [jmj-r kAt jmj-r kAt nbt nt nswt jmj-r wpwt nswt mnnfr-mrjra ppj jmj-r xntjw-S mnnfr-mrjra ppj jmj-r qdw aA dwAw mtj n sA mDH nswt mDH nswt qdw mDH nswt qdw m prwj Hrj-sStA n wabtj xrp SnDt nbt Xrj-Hb Xrj-Hb Hrj-tp Xrj-tp nswt sm smr watj smsw snwt sHD qdw Sps nswt qdw n aSAt qdw m prwj kAwtj] overseer of works, overseer of all royal works, overseer of royal commissions of the pyramid of Pepi I, overseer of palace attendants of the pyramid of Pepi I, overseer of builders, assistant of (the god) Duau, regulator of a phyle, royal carpenter, royal architect, royal architect in the two houses, secretary of the two wabets, director of every kilt, lector-priest, chief lector-priest, royal chamberlain, sem-priest, sole companion, elder of the snwt-house, inspector of builders, noble of the king, ordinary builder, builder in the two houses, workman. Appears in chapel relief and wall paintings: 1) relief scene (13-3-545 = MFA 13.4335) probably from lintel depicting six standing figures (three facing right, three facing left) of Nekhebu holding staff and scepter with columns of hieroglyphic text between figures identifying Nekhebu with his names, titles, and honorific epithets; 2) painted scene (13-1-546 = MFA 13.4339) of at least three registers depicting Nekhebu striding to right with name and titles in black in front of each figure; 3) autobiographical inscription of Nekhebu (13-1-547 = MFA 13.4331) with eight vertical columns and one horizontal line of text above seated figure of Nekhebu (facing left); 4) autobiographical inscription of Nekhebu (13-1-548 = MFA 13.5969 + Cairo JE 44608) with ten vertical columns and one horizontal line of text above seated figure of Nekhebu (facing right); 5) relief scene (13-1-549 = MFA 13.4331 + possibly one fragment from 13-1-558a = MFA 13.5975) from wall adjoining autobiographical inscription (13-1-547) depicting Nekhebu spear fishing in marsh; 6) relief scene (13-1-550 = MFA 13.4351) depicting figure of Nekhebu (facing right, only top of head preserved) with five vertical columns of inscription (above) and offering list (in front); 7) two door jambs (13-1-551: left jamb = MFA 13.4348; right jamb = MFA 13.4349) depicting standing figures of Nekhebu with accompanying inscription; 8) relief scene (13-1-553 + 13-1-556j + 13-1-558i = MFA 13.5834) depicting aging Nekhebu kneeling in boat in marsh; 9) relief scene (13-1-554 = MFA 13.4349) from section of facade adjoining right door jamb (13-1-551) depicting registers of Nile boats, on one boat in middle register (MFA 13.4349.2) seated figure of Nekhebu faced by his wife Hatkau playing harp; 10) relief scene (13-1-555 = MFA 13.4346 + possibly 13-1-558d = MFA 13.5974) depicting seated figure of Nekhebu (facing right) and three registers of offering bearers (facing left) leading cattle and gazelle; 11) relief scene (13-1-555 + 13-1-556 + 13-1-558o = MFA 13.5830) depicting Nekhebu seated in carrying chair; 12) relief scene (13-1-556d + 13-1-558j = MFA 13.5934) depicting seated figure of Nekhebu (facing right) and two registers of family members and offering bearers (facing left); 13) relief scene (13-1-556l + 13-1-558k = MFA 13.5935) depicting seated figure of Nekhebu (facing left) with vertical columns of inscription above; 14) relief scene (13-1-558l = MFA 13.5936) depicting seated figure of Nekhebu (facing right) with vertical columns of inscription above (original position to left of section of facade with ceremonial dancers and offering bearers MFA 13.4348). Chapel almost completely destroyed with most blocks and fragments of relief and inscription found scattered in Senedjemib Complex court (G 2382). Fragmentary limestone seated statue (12-12-14 + 12-12-22 = MFA 13.3161a-b) inscribed for Nekhebu, identified as [smr watj mDH qd nswt m prwj] sole companion, royal architect in the two houses; fragments found scattered in Senedjemib Complex court (G 2382). Fragmentary limestone seated statue (12-11-26) inscribed for Nekhebu, identified as [smr watj mDH qd nswt m prwj] sole companion, royal architect in the two houses; fragments found scattered in G 2370 and Senedjemib Complex court (G 2382). Fragment of limestone seated statue (12-12-595 = MFA 13.3159) inscribed for Nekhebu, identified as [smr watj mDH qd nswt m prwj] sole companion, royal architect in the two houses; found in debris west of G 2381 A. Fragmentary incomplete limestone seated statue (12-11-58 + 12-12-176a = MFA 13.3149a-c), preserved fragments uninscribed, attributed to Nekhebu; fragments found scattered in G 2381. Fragment of limestone seated statue (12-12-9 = MFA 13.3156), preserved fragment uninscribed, attributed to Nekhebu; found in Senedjemib Complex court (G 2382). Fragment of limestone seated statue (12-12-16 = MFA 13.3154), preserved fragment uninscribed, attributed to Nekhebu; found in G 2381. Limestone obelisk (12-12-23 = MFA 13.4353 deaccessioned = Memphis 1981.1.5) inscribed for Nekhebu, identified as [jmj-r kAt nbt nt nswt smr watj] overseer of all royal works, sole companion; found in Senedjemib Complex court (G 2382). Fragments of diorite offering table (12-12-20 = MFA 13.3143a-b) inscribed for Nekhebu; found in Senedjemib Complex court (G 2382).
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Headless limestone seated statue (36-5-29 = MFA 37.642) inscribed for Nedjemu, identified as [xntj-S pr-aA] palace attendant of the Great House; fragmentary limestone standing statue (36-5-31 = MFA 37.662 deaccessioned = Memphis 1987.2.1) inscribed for Nedjemu (dedicated by his son Seneb), identified as [sHD wabw xntj-S] inspector of wab-priests, palace attendant; seated statue and base of standing statue found in G 2420 D, body of standing statue found in G 2411 Z. Porter & Moss (p. 93) attribute G 2420 to Nedjemu on the basis of two statues inscribed for him but found displaced in shaft D. However, they do not mention the three in situ false doors in room b, the southernmost (and, presumably, main) one of which is inscribed for Khufudjedef, suggesting that he was the owner of G 2420.
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Owner of G 5280. False door inscribed for Pehenptah; found in situ in G 5280. Limestone drum lintel (39-9-2) inscribed for Pehenptah, identified as [rx nswt sS a n nswt] royal acquaintance, royal document scribe; found displaced in G 5280. Limestone standing statue (12-10-2 = Cairo JE 44609) inscribed for Pehenptah and limestone standing pair statue (12-10-3 = KHM Vienna ÄS 7502) inscribed for Pehenptah and his mother Amendjefaes; both found in G 5280 serdab. Shattered triad statue (12-10-4 = MFA 13.4330 triad + 12-10-4 = MFA 13.4358 fragment of female figure + 12-11-22 = MFA 13.3160 fragment of male figure proper right) of Pehenptah and his mother Amendjefaes; found in G 5280 serdab with some fragments from outside serdab. Son of Seshemnefer [I] (owner of G 4940). Appears in chapel relief, west wall (between false doors, north end, lower register, second figure from left); in situ in G 4940.
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Owner of G 2197. Testamentary decree of Penmeru (south wall of niche), identified as [wab nswt Hm-nTr mnkAwra jmj-r Hmw-kA] royal wab-priest, priest of Menkaure, overseer of ka-priests; in situ in G 2197. Limestone triad (MFA 12.1504) representing Penmeru in three Ka forms, identified as [rx nswt xrp sH] royal acquaintance, director of the dining hall; limestone pseudo-group statue (MFA 12.1484) depicting two figures of Penmeru, his wife Meretites, his son Seshemnefer, and his daughter Neferseshemes; Penmeru identified as [sHD Hmw-kA rx nswt xrp sH] inspector of ka-priests, royal acquaintance, director of the dining hall; limestone standing pair statue (Cairo JE 43753) depicting two figures of Penmeru; statues found in situ in G 2197 serdab.
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Owner of G 5270. Base of limestone statue (KHM Vienna ÄS 8544) and fragments of frieze-text originally from over serdab (Cairo JE 43965) inscribed for Rawer, identified as [sS a n nswt rx nswt sS n Xrt-a nswt sS a n nswt xft-Hr] royal document scribe, royal acquaintance, scribe of the royal document-case, royal document scribe in the presence; found in G 5270. Son ([sA=f n Xt=f] his son of his body) of Seshemnefer [I] (owner of G 4940). Appears in chapel relief, west wall (between false doors, depicted as young boy standing in front of his parents); in situ in G 4940.
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Owner of G 2378. Senedjemib, [rn=f nfr] his good name Mehi. Son of Senedjemib Inti (owner of G 2370). Portico architrave inscribed for Senedjemib Mehi, identified as [jrj-pat HAtj-a mAa jmj-r kAt nbt nt nswt Hrj-sStA n wDt-mdw nbt nt nswt jmj-jb n nswt m st=f nbt jmAxw xr nswt-bjtj Wnjs] hereditary prince, true count, overseer of all royal works, secretary of every royal decree, he who is in the heart of the king in all his places, revered before the King of Upper and Lower Egypt Unis; offering room false door inscribed for Senedjemib Mehi, identified as [smr watj tAjtj sAb TAtj jmj-r sSw a nswt jmj-r Xkr nswt nb Xrj-tp nswt mDH qd nswt m prwj jmj-r Snwtj jmj-r prwj-aHAw jmj-r wabtj jmj-r prwj nbw jmj-r sSr nswt jmAxw xr Jssj] sole companion, chief justice and vizier, overseer of royal document scribes, overseer of all royal regalia, royal chamberlain, royal architect in the two houses, overseer of the two granaries, overseer of the two armories, overseer of the two wabets, overseer of the two houses of gold, overseer of royal linen, revered before Isesi; also appears in chapel relief (thoughout chapel), identified as [jwn-knmt] iun-kenmut priest; false door and relief in situ in G 2378, portico reconstructed. Also appears in chapel relief (including portico west wall, door jambs, and offering room) in tomb of his father Senedjemib Inti (owner of G 2370), identified as [HAtj-a mAa jmj-r kAt nbt nt nswt] true count, overseer of all royal works; in situ in G 2370.
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Owner of G 5080. Pillars and jambs of court entrance and north and south false doors inscribed for Seshemnefer, identified as [jmj-r sSw a nswt Hrj-sStA n wDt-mdw nb nt nswt jmj-r kAt nb nswt sS Xrt-a nswt sS a nswt n sbAjt nswt Hrj-sStA n Xrt-a nswt jmj-r (pr) aHAw m prwj] overseer of royal document scribes, secretary of every royal decree, overseer of all royal works, scribe of the royal document-case, royal document scribe of the royal instructors, secretary of the royal document-case, overseer of (the house of) weapons in the two houses; also appears in chapel relief (west, south, and east walls); in situ in G 5080. Red granite sarcophagus (33-4-19 = Cairo JE 60541) inscribed for Seshemnefer; found in situ in G 5080 B.
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Owner of G 4940. North and south false doors inscribed for Seshemnefer; also appears in chapel relief (north, west, east, and south walls), identified as [rx nswt Xrj-tp nswt Hwt Hr-xpr xt HA Hm-nTr Hqt Hm-nTr Hr THnw qA-a sAb aD-mr wr mDw Sma Hrj-sStA jmj-r kAt nt nswt jmj-r sSw Xr-a nswt Hrj-wDbw m Hwt-anx jmj-r stj-DfAw smr Hm-nTr jnpw xrp aH] royal acquaintance, royal chamberlain of the funerary temple of Horkheper (Djedefre), khet-priest of Ha, priest of Heqet, priest of Horus of Libya, elevated of arm, judge and administrator, great one of the tens of Upper Egypt, secretary, overseer of royal works, overseer of scribes of the royal portfolios, master of reversion-offerings in the Mansion of Life, overseer of the two places of provisions, companion, priest of Anubis, director of the palace; in situ in G 4940.
Modern People
- Type Author
- Nationality & Dates
- Remarks Egyptologist and co-director of the Cairo University-Brown University Excavations (CBE) in the Abu Bakr Cemetery.
- Type Individual - Modern
- Nationality & Dates American, 1867–1942
- Remarks Egyptologist, archaeologist; Referred to as "the doctor" and "mudir" (Arabic for "director") in the excavation records. Nationality and life dates from Who was Who in Egyptology.
- Type Publisher
Name of this image
Description of the image duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Donec sed odio dui.

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- Mr.
- Mr.
- Mr.
- Mr.
- Mr.
- -1 OR 2+542-542-1=0+0+0+1 --
- -1 OR 3+542-542-1=0+0+0+1 --
- -1 OR 2+537-537-1=0+0+0+1
- -1 OR 3+537-537-1=0+0+0+1
- -1' OR 2+937-937-1=0+0+0+1 --
- -1' OR 3+937-937-1=0+0+0+1 --
- -1' OR 2+808-808-1=0+0+0+1 or '3f7rQtY4'='
- -1' OR 3+808-808-1=0+0+0+1 or '3f7rQtY4'='
- -1" OR 2+183-183-1=0+0+0+1 --
- -1" OR 3+183-183-1=0+0+0+1 --
- if(now()=sysdate(),sleep(15),0)
- Mr.0'XOR(if(now()=sysdate(),sleep(15),0))XOR'Z
- Mr.0"XOR(if(now()=sysdate(),sleep(15),0))XOR"Z
- Mr.-1 waitfor delay '0:0:15' --
- Mr.nA7csI43'; waitfor delay '0:0:15' --
- Mr.sq8n1wIn' OR 55=(SELECT 55 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--
- Mr.6Y8QUMa3') OR 492=(SELECT 492 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--
- Mr.Sw4qH5za')) OR 926=(SELECT 926 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--
- Mr.'||DBMS_PIPE.RECEIVE_MESSAGE(CHR(98)||CHR(98)||CHR(98),15)||'
- Mr.
- Mr.'"
- Mr.����%2527%2522\'\"
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